NASA: Space Solar Power: Inflatable Structures and Materials

Part 8: SSP Technologies: Structures, Materials, and Controls  Introduction – John Mankins Inflatable Structures and Materials Inflatable Trusses Isogrid Boom Other Inflatable Structures Hexapod YouTube Link (11:32): Transcript of video: Introduction – John Mankins Transporting anything to space and in space is an expensive proposition. Therefore, NASA is developing extremely lightweight, collapsible [...]

By |2025-02-07T20:06:50+01:00February 7th, 2025|Articles|Comments Off on NASA: Space Solar Power: Inflatable Structures and Materials

Astrostrom at Soleil-s – the 2nd Solar Biennale

As a participant in Soleil·s  - the 2nd Solar Biennale  - taking place at the mudac (Musée cantonal de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains) in Lausanne  from 21 March to 21 September 2025, Astrostrom will present its vision of harnessing solar energy from space and the potential key role that Switzerland could play in the [...]

By |2025-02-14T15:48:48+01:00February 6th, 2025|News, Press|Comments Off on Astrostrom at Soleil-s – the 2nd Solar Biennale

Space Option Star in ELEO

Developing solar power satellites (SPS) as a major energy source for Earth will involve multiple orbital demonstrators. Satellites in low Earth orbits (LEO) will have far lower costs than demonstrators in geostationary orbit (GEO) or High Elliptical Orbits (HEO), but they have the major disadvantage that they can deliver power to a receiving and rectifying [...]

By |2025-02-15T17:15:34+01:00February 6th, 2025|Articles, News|Comments Off on Space Option Star in ELEO

Arthur Woods at EPFL eSpace

On May 28, 2024, I was pleased at the invitation from EPFL to speak about my background, Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP), our ESA funded study 'Greater Earth Lunar Power Station'  and a SBSP Case Study for Switzerland. To address the energy and climate crises, renewed interest in Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) is being [...]

By |2025-02-07T14:59:01+01:00June 7th, 2024|News, Press|Comments Off on Arthur Woods at EPFL eSpace

Astrostrom at the International Conference on Energy From Space 2024

Astrostrom was represented by Dr. Patrick Collins at the International Conference on Energy From Space which took place in London, 17-19 April 2024. Patrick delivered two presentations and participated in a round table discussion on Policy and Collaboration on Tuesday April 18. The first presentation was: Advantages of Equatorial Orbits for SPS Demonstrator Satellites Developing [...]

By |2025-02-07T14:59:54+01:00April 23rd, 2024|News, Press|Comments Off on Astrostrom at the International Conference on Energy From Space 2024

Astrostrom at the Luxembourg Space Resources Week 2024

Astrostrom had a very busy week at the 2024 Luxembourg Space Resources week as an event partner, presenter and visioneering its approach to Space-Based Solar Power. On the first day of the event, Katriin Kristmann from Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) presented  their work on Monograin Layer (MGL) photovoltaics made from lunar regolith. Astrostrom [...]

By |2025-02-07T15:00:32+01:00April 8th, 2024|News, Press|Comments Off on Astrostrom at the Luxembourg Space Resources Week 2024

Strategic Partners

The private entity of the Public-Private Partnership will comprise a consortium of strategic partners and investors that will be responsible for setting-up and administering the GEEO,  and then managing its research and development programmes. Strategic partners are being sought from companies, organisations and institutions active in the fields of space, electricity supply, mining, robotics,  finance [...]

By |2024-05-22T14:33:30+02:00April 7th, 2024|Investment, News|Comments Off on Strategic Partners
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