The private entity of the Public-Private Partnership will comprise a consortium of strategic partners and investors that will be responsible for setting-up and administering the GEEO,  and then managing its research and development programmes.

Strategic partners are being sought from companies, organisations and institutions active in the fields of space, electricity supply, mining, robotics,  finance and the energy transformation, to provide the necessary competences to initiate and manage the GEEO and to develop Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) concepts and lunar manufacturing operations.

Strategic partners will have a vested interest in seeing SBSP become the basis of a new space energy industry and the value of going to the Moon for manufacturing Solar Power Satellite components from lunar materials.

Strategic partners will want to collaborate with Astrostrom in developing its marketing strategy and its approach to SBSP.

As such, the strategic partners will  provide the necessary competence to convince national entities to join the GEEO. Ideally,  strategic partners may also wish to become investors in Astrostrom as they will be on the forefront of any technological developments initiated by the GEEO.

Memorandums of Understanding (MoU)  for Strategic Cooperation

Strategic Partner MoU - Infinity Energy

Infinity Energy, China, MoU signed on November 23, 2023
Subsidiary of FutureSpace:

Strategic Partner - MoU - The Exploration Comapny

The Exploration Company, Germany, MoU signed on February 27, 2024

Strategic Partner - MoU- Space Resources Intellengence

Space Resources Intelligence, Switzerland, MoU signed on March 17, 2024

Strategic Partner - MoU- TalTech

Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, MoU signed on March 26, 2024

Orbital Matter Strategic Partner

Orbital Matter Poland Sp. z.o.o., Poland, MoU signed April 23, 2024


ASTROSTROM is seeking additional strategic partners and investors to set up the Greater Earth Energy Organisation (GEEO) to implement SBSP. 

To find out how you can participate in this unprecedented opportunity that will transform the Fossil Fuel Age into the Space Energy Age, please send us an inquiry.



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