Astrostrom at Soleil-s – the 2nd Solar Biennale
As a participant in Soleil·s - the 2nd Solar Biennale - taking place at the mudac (Musée cantonal de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains) in Lausanne from 21 March to 21 September 2025, Astrostrom will [...]
Arthur Woods at EPFL eSpace
On May 28, 2024, I was pleased at the invitation from EPFL to speak about my background, Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP), our ESA funded study 'Greater Earth Lunar Power Station' and a SBSP Case Study [...]
Astrostrom at the International Conference on Energy From Space 2024
Astrostrom was represented by Dr. Patrick Collins at the International Conference on Energy From Space which took place in London, 17-19 April 2024. Patrick delivered two presentations and participated in a round table discussion on [...]
Astrostrom at the Luxembourg Space Resources Week 2024
Astrostrom had a very busy week at the 2024 Luxembourg Space Resources week as an event partner, presenter and visioneering its approach to Space-Based Solar Power. On the first day of the event, Katriin [...]
Astrostrom Releases Extensive Plan for Space-Based Power Built on Lunar Resources
Swiss company Astrostrom GMBH, headed by astronautical artist and researcher Arthur R. Woods, has presented an ambitious and extensive plan to provide power from space. The company’s report, running a lengthy 269 pages, details its [...]
New Type of Space Station Could Be Used to Beam Sun’s Power Down to Earth and Moon
With the Artemis Moon exploration program (almost) in full swing, companies, organizations, and individuals with an interest in space exploration are scrambling to find the best ways and tools to kickstart a lunar civilization. Because, [...]
ESA: Lunar Solar Power Satellite
The concept of gathering some of the unlimited sunlight available in space, then transmitting it down to users, was first developed to serve the clean energy needs of planet Earth. But Space-Based Solar Power can [...]
Press Article: 1E9 by Michael Förtsch
English translation: This artist wants to build a solar space station in lunar orbit - ESA supports him. GE⊕-LPS - Greater Earth Lunar Power Station assembly in lunar orbit. A new race to [...]
Press Article: SRF1 Regionaljournal Ostschweiz Solarstrom aus dem Weltall
English translation: Power Plant in Space Solar Power from Space for the Earth A company in Canton Thurgau is now researching the feasibility - on behalf of the European Space Agency. SRF1, Regionaljournal [...]
Press Article: Untersee Nachrichten by Desirée Müller
English translation: Arthur Woods wants to Build a Solar Power Satellite Factory on the Moon A “space artist” who wants to create the breakthrough in clean energy from space – a somewhat special request from [...]