Astrostrom had a very busy week at the 2024 Luxembourg Space Resources week as an event partner, presenter and visioneering its approach to Space-Based Solar Power.

Astrostrom stand at LSRW24

On the first day of the event, Katriin Kristmann from Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) presented  their work on Monograin Layer (MGL) photovoltaics made from lunar regolith. Astrostrom and TalTech co-produced a video (above)  illustrating the delivery of prefabricated factory modules to the Moon for the in-situ production of MGL photovoltaics for space solar power satellites to be robotically assembled at the Earth-Moon Lagrange point 1. Dr. Taavi Raadik, who is leading the MGL research at TalTech, was also in attendance.

Katriin Kristamnn from TalTech at LSRW24

Later that day Astrostrom CEO Arthur Woods and Pierre Faucoup from The Exploration Company announced their recently signed MoU for strategic cooperation.

Pierre Faucoup from the Exploration Company

On March 26, the second day of the conference Fjodor Sergejev, Dean of the school of Engineering  at TalTech also signed a MoU for strategic cooperation with Astrostrom. Monograin Layer  photovoltaics produced from lunar regolith were identified as a key technology  in the development of the Greater Earth Lunar Power Station concept study recently completed for ESA.

Fjodor Sergejev from TalTech signing the MoU with Astrostrom

Dr. Sanjay Vijendran lead of ESA’s SOLARIS programme to prepare Europe for Space-Based Solar Power was also at the conference. Here, meeting Arthur at the Space Café networking event.

Dr. Sanjay Vijendran and Arthur Woods at the Space Cafe

Swiss documentary film producer Yelena Gasnhof van der Meersch was actively interviewing key players including ESA’s Sanjay Vijendran and astronaut Matthias Maurer seen here discussing with Astrostrom’s Andreas Vogler and Arthur on the Astrostrom stand. Andreas was at the conference the entire time and was responsible for designing the stand and visioneering the MGL video for TalTech.

Yelena van Ganshof, ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer, Andreas Vogler and Arthur Woods at LSRW24

On the last day of the conference, Arthur made a presentation introducing the Greater Earth Energy Organisation (GEEO) , a multi-national treaty organisation that is being proposed by Astrostrom to implement SBSP on a global scale.

Arthur Woods at LWSR24

This year’s Luxembourg Space Resources Week was a very exciting and successful event. Astrostrom was proud to be an event sponsor and looks forward to next year.

ASTROSTROM is seeking additional strategic partners and investors to set up the Greater Earth Energy Organisation (GEEO) to implement SBSP. 

To find out how you can participate in this unprecedented opportunity,  please send us an inquiry.

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