The Space Energy Option
As the 21st century unfolds, humanity finds that it needs more room and more resources to sustain its numbers and to maintain its thirst for further development and knowledge. The finite planetary resources that contributed [...]
The Climate Emergency
Due to the many assessments and reports issued since 1990 by the United Nation’s IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – and the subsequent international commitment to address the climate issue achieved in the [...]
The Energy Dilemma
Among all of nature’s diverse systems, energy is the principal driver of the increasing complexity of galaxies, stars, planets and life-forms in the expanding universe. Energy flows engendered largely by the expanding cosmos seem to [...]
The Space Option: An Alternative to War
Here on Earth, human civilization has reached such a point in its development where it has evolved the means to leave its home planet and to begin operating in the environment beyond the atmosphere. Optimistically, [...]
The Sun-Earth-Moon System of Greater Earth
"If God wanted man to become a spacefaring species, he would have given man a Moon." Krafft A. Ehricke, 1984 [1] The Sun-Earth-Moon System of Greater Earth is an interdependent dynamic system that contributed [...]